Wahre Abbildung der kayserlich und Lands-Fürstlichen Haubt Stadt Graz, wie selbe von auf gegen den Aufgang im Jahr 1699 zu sehen ist (True Representation of the Imperial and Territorial Capital Graz as seen from West to East in 1699) Andreas Trost, 1728 – 1735
The “weitberümte Haubtresidenz” (Widely known Imperial Residence)
These two pictures pay homage to the “main fortress of Inner Austria”. They were slightly altered for their inclusion in Deyerlberg’s Work of Hereditary Homage. The inscription was changed in the view from the east: the “weitberümte Haubt- und alte Landesfürstliche Residenz“ (famous capital and old territorial and imperial residence) became the “kayserlich und Lands-Fürstliche Haubt Stadt“ (imperial and territorial capital)—the times of imperial residence were over. Moreover, the name of the illustrator and engraver, Andreas Trost, was removed when the plates were changed for their incorporation in the Work of Hereditary Homage.
Copperplate print on paper, revised Version for incorporation into the “Erbhuldigungswerk“ for Charles VI (Work of Hereditary Homage), by Georg Jakob von Deyerlsberg
frame: 65 × 95 cm
Graz Museum